Pre-Paid Funeral Plans

According to SunLife Cost of Dying Report (2018) the average cost of a funeral in 2004 was £1,920, today it is £4,271 – An increase of 122%. Arranging a Funeral Plan is an effective way to organise your funeral in advance, ensuring that document your last wishes and pay a fixed price at today’s prices.

Paying for your funeral in advance is a practical, sensible financial plan, at today’s prices. Organizing everything now, will help reduce the stress and worry for your loved ones.

Why choose us?

100% Independent – We find the best plans for you

Guaranteed fixed fees – avoid paying higher costs

Funds are held with the National Funeral Trust

97.8% approval rating

Payment plans to suit you

 From only £18.73 per month or £2,895

 Our commitment to you!

We won’t put you under any pressure to make a decision and we will be happy to answer any questions you have.

We comply with all standards recommended by the Government CMA’s market study.


Make Your Will Today

Easy to understand advice on arranging the best will for you

We can help you to ensure:

- Minimise inheritance tax

- Name trusted people as your executors

- Ensure gifts, property and money goes to the right people

- Set up trusts and make gifts to charity

- Paramount Will Writer ensures that your property bypasses lengthy and expensive probate proceedings

Start My Will

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